This is a good time to practice using SubRoutines also. They make program flow a little easier to follow: Setup: OPTION BASE 1 CLS v = 5 DIM a(v, 2), b(v) GOSUB Load GOSUB Compare GOSUB Sort GOSUB PrintList END Load: ' Load variables and in...
Ok, this code works: Also, note that in this example, I'm counting the number of variables greater than , rather than less than as in the above example. Setup: OPTION BASE 1 CLS v = 5 DIM a(v, 2), b(v) ' Load variables and initialize position variable to zero. FOR q = 1 TO v READ t a(q, ...
Hi Jonathon; Here's an example of a technique that I use: First, I use the "Option Base 1" command because I like my arrays to start with 1 instead of zero. Then, create a 2-dimension variable. The first element stores the actual value, the second element stores its position in the line. Next, I'm...
Hi Yac; here's what I do: The function keys and arrow keys are two-byte codes, so test for all possible one-byte codes first. KeyCatcher: a$ = INKEY$ IF a$ = "" THEN GOTO KeyCatcher IF a$ = CHR$(27) THEN END ' Put all your other key press tests here. IF LEN(a$) = 2 THEN a$ = RIGHT$(a$, 1...
hi. ok i used this: INPUT "What file do you want to copy"; filepath$ dir$ = filepath$ + " C:\DOS" SHELL dir$ Hi Brent; you're doing this backwards. Lets say you enter "taco" for your filepath$. Your dir$ will become taco C:\DOS , which isn't any kind of DOS command, (or any other.) Your dir$ needs...
You can do this, but it starts to get complicated, by reading the keyboard buffer, or something like that. Check out this thread over at Be sure to read the "links" in the "links. It'll take some reading and work to figure it out, but...
Or better yet, try this code: --------------------------------------------- CLS a$="" FOR x = 1 to 26 IF x MOD 2 > 0 THEN a = x + 64 else a = x + 96 a$ = a$ + CHR$(a) NEXT x LOCATE 10, 10: PRINT a$ END ----------------------------------------------- The two 10's can be anywhere you want on the screen.
There's a couple different ways you could do this. One way would be to build a string before you print; ----------------------------------------------------------- FOR x = 1 to 52 READ a$ alphabet$ = alphabet$ + a$ NEXT x PRINT alphabet$ . . . ' your code . . . DATA A,a,B,b,C,c, . . . . ---------...
You're making me hungry Brent. ;D Its good to see young folk getting in to programming. A couple of my grandkids are almost your age. Your first example should have worked. Double check your spelling and puntuation, and try it again. I loaded the code just as you have it and...
Anytime you want to use simple DOS commands, its easier to just SHELL out to DOS. MKDIR "C:\QBASIC" SHELL "COPY D:\Program1.exe c:\Qbasic" When you use SHELL, you just put between quotes, whatever you'ld type at the DOS command line. BTW - When you make a post here, just put a check in the box below...
Hi Brentis; if you mean a directory, as in a folder, you can do that a couple different ways also: Lets say you want to make a folder called "programs" within the "C:\temp" folder. MKDIR "C:\TEMP\PROGRAMS" or CHDIR "C:\TEMP" MKDIR "PROGRAMS" or dir$ = "PROGRAMS" path$ = "C:\TEMP" MKDIR path$ + "\" +...
Hi Brentis; nice website, lots of good info and stuff. Just one little criticism - you're going to just annoy people with that cursor change. For someone with old eyes, like me, it makes it real hard to see. (Gray cross on a gray background.) It serves no purpose and its just annoying. O...