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Who uses QBasic ?

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2002 1:35 am
by visvolt
With the advancements in todays technology, what is the purpose of QBasic ? Besides a good beginner language. If someone wants to create videogames they can use Visual Basic and C++ to name a few. So what is a good reason to learn QBasic ?

What is the last update on QBasic ? Is there any QBasic compilers with a Graphical User Interface ?

I am just curious, but what is the future of QBasic ?

* To the owner(s) & moderator(s) of this site :
Do you know any other programming languages besides QBasic ? * I am sure you do.

I thank you for taking the time ro read and asnwer my questions. (If I get a proper reply)

Re: Who uses QBasic ?

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 7:01 am
by GaMe-BoX
I think you answered the question pretty good... Its a good Hobby/beginner programming language...  Its easy to get your hands on, you can do pretty cool stuff with it if you're good, and its pretty simple...  All the other languages like C++ are very expensive and so on...  i think its a bit about easy access also...

Re: Who uses QBasic ?

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 11:50 am
by madmartin55
I think another point to concider here is who actually sees, and better yet, needs to understand, how the language works when you use a visual language. Yes, it's fun to use VB, but if your a computer head it's a better choice to get used to the lower level of programming if you're going to be serious about it. If you think about it anything worth calling your own is customized, and that means going into the code. There's also the satisfaction of causing the low level functions to do things exactly the way you want, without the overhead of the higher level language. Also, there still a lot of old machines out there (for economic, social, etc. reasons) and so some may not even be able to run 32/40bit of higher. But that's not as important than the patience and skill QB developes here, IMO. 8)

Re: Who uses QBasic ?

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2002 2:07 pm
by Guest
I use QB for the following reasons
-I own it
-All my friends own it
-My buddy Gilgamesh021 can load 3d Studio Max .3ds objects with it
-I don't own windows (not even 3.X)
-I like simplicity
-VB is too simple GFX (Unless I am using it wrong?)
-MY group can use Warcraft 2 .PUD files as terrain maps in a game we are making (probably illegal: WILL TERMINATE PROJECT AT FIRST WORD FROM BLIZZARD)
-It is so simple, people with IQ's of 100 like me can use it without getting lost and BrainLords like my friends can code as good as WESTWOOD with it.
PS: I know other languages are techically better, but I think our group leader (g21) is trying to prove something.  He won't even let me see his source code and I am his roommate.

(C, C+, C++, suck)

Re: Who uses QBasic ?

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2002 4:22 am
by ScotCompMan
You Can Do Anything With It!!!

Re: Who uses QBasic ?

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2002 11:36 am
by Guest
There was a programming language used by engineers and scientists called Fortran. It helped put man on the moon.

In 1964 some guys took some core stuff out of it and called it Basic. With it everyone could learn how to program a computer.

In the early days personal computers used basic in whatever flavour as the operating system contributing to the spread of personal computing.

Why would people set out to learn QBasic? Well maybe because they would like be become professional computer programers, maybe they want an enjoyable hobby or maybe they are trying to succeed in a math or physical science based school subject.

They would achieve none of these possible objectives if they went out and bought C++ or any other professional level programming software.