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Qbasic Screen output not printable.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:25 pm
by longfellow
Qbasic programs (via v 4.5), that have a screen output (small graphic)
would always produce a printout via PrtScn and Paste (into say Word).
Now that I am using Windows XP, this does not produce a printout.
(Windows Me .. Windows 98 .. still enable a prntout)

It has been suggested that I should use an alternative Qbasc that will let me compile my program and this would then let me get a printout.

Can anyone advise me how to proceed?
I have a small program that I could post here, if that would be of any use.

Windows XP .. QBasic 4.5 .. 512 Mb RAM .. Geforce 5200 .. USB Epson Printer ..

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 5:10 pm
by Ralph
As you can see from my "signature" below, I am using QuickBASIC 4.5, running in Windows XP Home Edition.

I opened the Clipboard (clipbrd.exe, which I found inn C:\WINDOWS\system32\), did a PrtScreen, and saw my present screen appear on the Clipboard. I Opened Word, and did a Ctrl+v, and it pasted the screen saved in the Clipboard.

I opend QuickBASIC 4.5, opened a program, did a PrtScreen, and that screen appeard on my Clipboard. I did a Ctrl+v in Word, and the screen with the program was pasted to Word.

I tried just pressing PrtScreen, as well as pressing Ctrl+PrtSreen. Both worked the same, copying the current screen into the Clipboard.

I also tried this: In my program, I wrote these lines:

Code: Select all

  LPRINT "This should print out"
  LPRINT CHR$(12)  'this is a form feed to the printer
ran the program, and my HP LaserJet 4L printer spit out the line,
This should print out.

So, I can't get any problems of the type you are reporting. Maybe you need to do a form feed? Usually, if you quit QuickBASIC, it will send a form feed to the printer, to flush out any thing in its buffer. Does this happen to you? If so, you can add the form feed line I added to my program, as well as the END line, and it should print out whatever you sent to the printer's buffer.

One more thing: make sure you have updated your Windows XP with Service pack 2!

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:33 pm
by longfellow
Delighted with the prompt reply.
You are quite correct in what you have reported ...
But your output is text, not a graphic.
The problem seems to be the SCREEN instruction.
Would you like to try this program, please ...

20 REM ***NAME:STAR***
30 SCREEN 12: CLS : PI = 3.141593
40 WINDOW (-.5, -.8)-(1.5, .7)
50 P = 5: V = 4: A = 144: R = .35: A = A * PI / 180
60 PSET (0, 0): X = 0: Y = 0
70 FOR N = 0 TO (V + 1) * V ^ (P - 1) - 1
80 M = N: B = N * A: F = 0
90 IF M MOD V <> 0 OR F >= P - 1 THEN GOTO 110
100 F = F + 1: M = INT(M / V): GOTO 90
110 X = X + R ^ (P - F - 1) * COS(B): Y = Y + R ^ (P - F - 1) * SIN(B)
120 LINE -(X, Y)
130 NEXT N: BEEP: A$ = INPUT$(1): END

It gives a pretty Star ouptput to the screen, but I am not able to get a print of this star when using Qbasic in Windows XP.
Windows 98 and Windows Me both let me get a printout.

I am advised that a Quick Basic (not Qbasic) will let me compile my program, and this compliled version might give me a printout.

Can anyone try this and let me know.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:45 pm
by Ralph

As I have stated, I am using QuickBASIC Version 4.5 (the most popular version around), on Windows XP Home Edition.

If I run any .bas program with the SCREEN statement, my program shows the first screenful for a few seconds, then minimizes!

If I run a compiled (.exe) BASIC program, it just shows a full, black screen for a few seconds, then minimizes.

That is, I fare better without compiling than with.

So, I can't help you on your current PrintScreen problem, sorry.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 4:06 am
by Ralph
Say, I just ran across some great printing information, including how to print out a QB graphics screen! Here's the link to that site: ... 1047390256

I am going to be trying this out in a few hours, I hope.