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posting / uploading programs

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 11:38 am
by Dragoncat
Unfortunately I have now way of creating a link to a program that is on a webpage , as I cant seem to get my webpage working correctly
is there any way I can post /upload a file to this forum??
will you ever host files directly??
I have this program I have had for a long long time
that I wrote several years ago but I lost the source.... I will be trying to
piece together a facimilie of the origional source as best as I can working from older versions I have offline
the program is an encryption program I Origionally called Random03
then It was changed to encryp ,and then later EnigmaIII,
I still use this program often to encrypt some files on my computer I want to keep secure and passwords and such... it works Incredibaly well , it encrypts/decrypts at roughly half dialup speed (25K/sec) aprox)
so large files might take a long time... I ran several tests on files encrypted with it for randomness and when something is encrypted with this little program you cant tell it from a random collection of bytes.. it is 40 - 48 K aprox
and It is my lifes work , ( I have spent over 20 years or more working on this program) the Idea for this program came to me from a deck of cards
believe it or not , and slowly evolved from there ... plus some Ideas
i drew from cellular automatia and conway twittys "game of Life"
it utilises a 1-d CA rotating one time pad and is SUPER secure... (it is a WHOLE LOT MORE complex than a linear congruential acumulator.... it might be mistaken for such... but is hardly even a Linear congruential Accumulator... it is something so much more.. and better!! It Generates Gauranteed TRUE RANDOM NUMBERS regardless of what you enter as password... as it accounts for that as well.
it has one tiny little glitch : you must Hit a key, any key when you first run the program
the program exits as soon as it is done...
possible improvements might be : a progress indicator to let user know how much / how close the program is to being done...
2) batch encryption capability ... Ie you can stop the program and it will automatically save it's current position / progress to be restartable by user request, or task scheduler
3) and possbly some other enhancements and improvements to the look and feel
the current version is very simple , but you must hit any key to begin
there is no message either , so when you run the program , just hit a key
and it should say : enter password
then enter a password and hit enter...
then it asks for a file name (twice)
each time enter a filename and hit enter
the first one is the source file
and the second one is the output file...
if you are interested Email me for a copy at

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 8:57 pm
Very interesting Dragoncat. I could help you establish a web page for your program and yourself as I have HTML experience and Webmaster experience to boot. Your references intrigue me as I am familiar with one. On top of this your "pack of cards" inspiration is not so far out, as I have knowledge of it as an ancient mathematical system derived from the Tarot.