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ok im new and have some questions

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 7:32 am
by Skynet307
has n e 1 played that vector fighters games that is powered by slash??? so n e ways how hard is it to make games in qb....not including text based games. im already making a text based rpg/adventure game using basic commands and creating files to save stats...but it is pretty boring, and im looking for some thing at least basic... dont realy need to jump into raycasting just 2d for now.

Re: ok im new and have some questions

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 7:37 am
by Guest

Re: ok im new and have some questions

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 10:54 pm
by Jehovah
it really is not that hard.  Learn to use the Screen, line, circle, put (graphics), get(graphics), and you are pretty much reddy to go.  I suggest using a drawing program to make your graphics, have the program save it in BSAVE format, and then use BLOAD to load it.  Email me if you want a good drawing program (I wrote it, and use it... it kicks arse).

Depending on the type of game, you will need to do animation, or want an animated GUI.  There are many different aproches to both of these.  One being, erase, move, draw. the other being more complex and needs proctice (uses transparent colors).  If you are good with I/O, it should not be that hard to make a game because you are then able to use an easier aproch: save all information in a randome acces file (made with a seperate program) this makes it much easier to edit and manage your veriables.  

Do not be afrade of using a global veriable.  They don't effect memory that much (or even at all -- I forgot which).

You may want to go someware on the net and get the acces numbers for all the numbers, the way it is called it must be in base 10, not base 16 (chr$(72) -- down key) the chr$ translates it into base 16 (hex) for you, so 72 must be in base 10.  If you look up the keys in the online help, it will give you the hex values, to convert, open calc98, click on the hex button, type the number (minues the "H"), then click on "dec" and it will convert it for you.  If you have win95,3.1, or DOS (or OS2, or LINIX, or SOLARIS) you need to convert it with math... I know how, but it is long, so I won't.

If you are makeing an RPG, use screen 13, since you have acces to so many colors at one time.  the drawback is the reselution.

if you don't need that many colors, but want a good reselution, use screen 12 (that is what I use).  It has a good reselution, but less colors.

If you are redrawing the screen a lot, you may want to use screen 7, since it can have mulitple pages (difficult to explane, but really good).  THe draw back is the bad reselution and few colors.

Tutorials are nice, but I believe in figuring things out for yourself.  It alous you to understand things more, and is much more fun... but if you do need help ('cuz your stupid), there are countless tororials all over the net.