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Is there a QB viewer?

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2003 7:05 am
by stevew
I wrote a ton of QB4.5 programs about 10 years ago and I'd like to view the code.  I've long since lost my copy of QB4.5.  I don't really need a compiler or editor, but just a way to view these programs.  I'm running Win98SE and can't find anything to open up .BAS files.


Re: Is there a QB viewer?

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2003 9:30 am
by Guest
you'd ahve to DL qb4.5 as you probably save the file as binary and not as text. In binary format QB tokenizes the file so any text editor would have problems reading it.


1. Opening the BAS file in QB4.5
2. Save as text file
