Hi All,
may somebody can help me.
I don't know how to change PALETTE colors on SCREEN 12.
I have always the standard 16 colors.
My routine to load a BMP File ist very fast but only with standard Colors
PALETTE 1, mycolor doesnt works realy.
Dateikopf$ = SPACE$(54)
OPEN "test.bmp" FOR BINARY AS #2
GET #2, 1, Dateikopf$
BildBreite = CVL(MID$(Dateikopf$, 19, 4))
BildHoehe = CVL(MID$(Dateikopf$, 23, 4))
SEEK #2, CVL(MID$(Dateikopf$, 11, 4)) + 1
Daten$ = SPACE$(BildBreite / 2)
Laenge = (BildBreite \ 2) - 1
FOR Y = (BildHoehe - 1) TO 0 STEP -1
GET #2, , Daten$
FOR X = 0 TO Laenge
byte = ASC(MID$(Daten$, X + 1, 1))
PSET (X * 2, Y), byte \ 16
PSET (X * 2 + 1, Y), byte AND 15
Problems with change PALETTE
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While in QuickBASIC 4.5, click on Help, then doubale click on Index, select Palette, and, there, select Details, and go to the end of that window, where it shows the colors available for the various screen modes. You will see that SCREEN 12 only has 16 colors available, namely, 0 to 15.
Ralph. Running QuickBASIC Version 4.5, Windows XP Home Edition, Version 2002, Service Pack 2, and HP LaserJet 4L printer.